
DAVID & BEC GUILFOYLE/BILL & JENNY KERR - Rawdon Kerr Pastoral Partnership, Rylestone, NSW

We have been buying bulls from Injemira since the year 2000. We have been very happy with them and consider our herd to be improving consistently over this time.

We would like to congratulate Marc on his ability as a studmaster keeping his and therefore our herd steadily improving to meet modern market criteria with his targeted breeding approach.

However it is Marc's after sales service that really stands out. Marc has helped much more than anyone would have expected him to. These things include replacing bulls, finding new bulls other than at sale time, bidding on our cattle the list goes on and on. That is why we are still with Injemira and we will continue to buy bulls from Marc.

BECKER FAMILY - Jarrah Cattle Company, Banana, QLD

Jarrah Cattle Company is a bull breeding and commercial operation, selling Hereford and Hereford infused bulls to Queensland, neighbouring states and Territories. We market our Hereford bulls as cross-breeding bulls, to go over predominately Brahman and Droughtmaster females. Our commercial operation turns off many Hereford cross feeder cattle, with the Hereford cross cattle always easily placed into feedlots at a premium price.

We first purchased a line of Injemira cows in 1990, and have continued to breed with Injemira genetics since, purchasing bulls and many donor cows in recent years. Injemira genetics were selected, after trial, as the cattle that best handled Queensland’s conditions. We found that these bulls had nice clean coats without losing length or thickness, and since we are located in hot tick area, the clean coats means no tick problems. They have always been active and mobile bulls.

Marc’s commercial approach towards his cattle, instils confidence in the genetic products supplied to us by Injemira. The fact that Marc follows his own cattle and Injemira offspring through to feedlots or slaughter, results in him always being aware of the genetics and traits that his cattle excel in, and also what can be improved. Therefore, Injemira Genetics are always improving to meet the current markets.

We have found Marc and his family, a delight to deal with, and have been able to build a strong friendship. Marc goes above and beyond the traits of a “bull seller” and takes a real interest in our operation and always assists in any way he is able. When selecting bulls, Marc knows what you are looking for or he is able to point you to the bulls that will do a good job for you, which we believe is the real Injemira Advantage.

Marc is a passionate and enthusiastic breeder, and we believe Injemira is continuously heading in the right direction; breeding quality Hereford and Poll Hereford bulls and that is why we have been, and will continue to support the Injemira Herd Advantage.

BOB & JOAN HAYWOOD - Westhaven Hereford Stud, Forest Grove, WA

I have known and dealt with Injemira Beef Genetics for many years, through the purchase of stud sires and embryos from Injemira leading Donor cows. In this time I have not only bought a number of bulls but have also had the privilege of getting to know the family behind Injemira Beef Genetics. Marc is a very talented beef cattle breeder with a passion and ambition for the industry. His extensive knowledge of the beef industry and awareness of the requirements needed to drive it forward are reflected in his sale animals each year. Each sale offers honest, industry enhancing animals, that will fit easily and profitably into any type of breeding situation whether it be commercial or for our next stud sire. My immediate thoughts regarding Injemira Beef Genetics are "Innovation with Integrity."

MR. JOHN PRATT - Belgrave Pastoral Co., Mumbannar, VIC.

Belgrave Pastoral Company is a family owned and managed business that originated in 1871 when the Pratt ancestors purchased their first property in Mumbannar, an area noted for its consistent rainfall, and mild temperate climate, due to the proximity to the coast. The sandy loam soils are ideal for growing phalaris/rye grass pastures with clover and fescue added to the mix.

Hereford cattle breeding has always been at the forefront of the business, and originally the annual steer draft were grown out to Jap ox weight and sold at the local Mt. Gambier Saleyards. Over the years, the steers have been sold earlier and at a lighter weight, specifically for the EU market. After switching to spring calving in the late 1990s, the stocking rate was able to be increased and the returns per hectare rose accordingly.

The majority of the steer draft are now grown to backgrounding weights, and sold to major feedlots, especially those that target the EU market.

Previously Hereford sires were bought from various local bull breeders, but a lack of consistency due to the range in genetics was creating a herd with great variation. After reading an article in the autumn 2007 Prograzier magazine about the Injemira Advantage, it seemed to be the answer to our genetic future. After discussions with stud master Marc Greening, followed by a farm visit, the decision was made to join the Injemira Advantage program, and we have never looked back.

Every bull in the breeding program now is carefully selected with the help of Marc, from proven sire lines that have been tested in Injemira’s own backgrounding operation. The guess work has been taken out of the equation, and the herd is taking on a much more uniform genetic path, with clear breeding goals.

Another major benefit of the Advantage program was a greater awareness of markets and marketing. As well as following the EYCI as a guide to the markets, the relationship with Marc has bought with it great marketing assistance. Marc was able to put us in contact with some other Hereford breeders who purchase our EU steers to grow out to slaughter weight. He is also able to keep us up-to-date with what is happening with the feedlots, and can advise us as to the best time to offer our steers to them. Marc has contacts with Hereford buyers and sellers Australia wide, and is always able to advise on the best strategy for marketing our cattle.

MR. JOHN WYLD - Koolomurt Pastoral Co., Coleraine Vic.

Koolomurt has been exclusively using Injemira bulls over our Hereford cows for some 15 years. Our aim is simple – to grow big, quiet animals as fast as possible to meet market requirements. Our principle aim is the EU market, but we also supply the domestic market.

We carry our animals through to slaughter, so we know how they perform, and we are very happy with the job the bulls have done, and continue to do. All our steers are turned off before they reach 2 years old, which maximises our returns.

Marc continues to strive for greater efficiency in beef production, and has not been afraid to set the trend, rather than follow. The development at Injemira of polled lines, and the emphasis on carcase performance are what commercial cattle producers have embraced and been rewarded for. This is evident from the competition that Injemira sired calves achieve in weaner sales around the country.

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